
Backyard Birds: Pins & More!

Created by Corviforms

A whole new selection of hard enamel pins and other merch featuring your favorite feathered backyard buddies!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

21 Birds Unlocked, New Pledge Tiers Added! 🐦
5 months ago – Mon, Apr 08, 2024 at 07:13:48 AM

Hello everyone,

I've been seriously enjoying designing bird pins, and was able to get done everything we have unlocked so far - 21 total birds! Check out the page for new artwork!  

Because now we have MORE BIRDS I've decided to create additional pledge tiers so that you can get everything we have unlocked at a huge discount. Tiers now go up to 30 BIRDS! This would be an awesome choice if you want to get in on the project with a friend or stock up on cute little gifts at nearly half price.

If you're already a backer, you can easily swap your pledge for a higher tier by going to "manage your pledge"

Make sure you also go and back Bird Crimes and get 2 free criminal crows, don't want you to miss out on FREE STUFF!

I've gone ahead and lowered some of the stretch goals as well, I really think we can hit the 30k mark! Then I can have you all tell me what ADDITIONAL birds to make haha

Happy birding!

PS. You can help us unlock more birds by sharing on social media as well!


Funded & Stretch Goals SMASHED! THANK YOU!
6 months ago – Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 05:52:59 PM

Hey bird nerds- 

WOW. The response here has been absolutely amazing!! 

I'll be taking feedback on additional birds and adding them as quickly as I can, but I want to make sure I take the time for high quality designs.

I tend to release pins in sets of 3, so according to feedback here are some sets I am hoping to sketch up for you:

  • mockingbird, catbird, robin
  • purple martin, indigo bunting, blue jay
  • towhee, red winged blackbird, oriole
  • hummingbird, kinglet, northern flicker
  • sparrows???

and THEN get into some larger, less backyard-y local birds: 
  • barred owl, screech owl, saw whet owl 
  • red tailed hawk, osprey, eagle
  • great blue heron, kingfisher, wood duck

I also love to include plants with each, so if you have any suggestions on native foliage to include I'd love to hear it!

And here are some quick sketches so far!
Again, thank you all SO much and let's keep the momentum going so that I can make you as many birds as possible!

<3 Corviforms